This past weekend my little grasshopper did her coach proud as she conquered her first 1k race. 1k may not seem that far to some, but if knew the incredible strides Lindsay has made in her training you would be just as proud as I was.

After all when we started this couch to 5k journey, Lindsay was not able to run 2 mins without struggling……….this past Saturday she ran 8 mins straight. No stopping to walk, no sucking in air so hard I thought she was going to kill over, just a good solid jog.

Look at that smile as she is nearing the finish line!
This goes to show that anyone who has the drive and determination to achieve a goal of running can, you simply have to fight through the days in which you feel as though it is impossible to lace up those running shoes.
After the race Lindsay turned to her small cheering section and smiling said…………..”1k down, 4 more to go”. I will be there every step of this journey she is on, coaching, cheering, supporting, encouraging and pushing her when she feels she has no more to give. More updates to come!