I responded with a quivering……ssssssuuuurrrreee, even though I would much prefer to stay in a safe zone, away from tinny flying golf balls. Memories of my first trip to the driving range came flooding back……..
……It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, the day after my first golf lesson. When my dear friend Karie, her husband Andy, and I headed to the driving range in Owasso.
I was over the moon; this little outing was going to be a blast. I was convinced golf was my new passion, eat your heart out Anna Rowson, the LPGA was fixn’ to be taken by storm.
Because Andy just had back surgery we rented a golf cart to tool over to the driving range in, boy did I feel hip and cool! I did not even wait for the cart to come to a stop before hopping out, grabbing my driver and heading up the small hill to the driving range. I found some serious distance when my driver connected to the golf balls. Andy’s back prevented him from swinging a club, but he did pop balls to Karie and I, which really was a win win for all of us. Andy got to disobey doctor’s orders and stand behind us gently putting while Karie and I never ran out of golf balls to hit.
I was in heaven……golf club in hand, sun shining on my face and my pasty white arms, and experiencing great beginners luck. I was in my own little golf world. I faintly remembered hearing Andy say “I think I am going to drive a few balls”. I didn’t think anything of it…….I just keep smiling and finding peace in my happy golf place.
That was till I was slapped back into reality as I was falling to the ground with a horrific pain in my leg. You see……….Andy did drive that golf ball………….straight into the back of my leg. I found myself on the ground, seeing stars, wondering what in the heck just happened, and hearing Karie yelling at Andy and asking if I was okay.
After catching my breath, holding back tears, and thinking "my gosh if child birth hurts half as bad as that just did, I am never signing up to have children", I got up dusted myself off and began to realize what just transpired. Ice was applied, a headache began to form, and the attempt to hit more golf balls was made. The only problem with golfing and having these new variables to contend with…….I could not hit a ball to save my life. It was time to head in for the day, not only was I getting frustrated with the lack of ball to club contact I was also in excruciating pain and was not able to put weight on my right leg.
So you see the terror in heading to a driving range. I have been back to driving ranges quite a few times since having my leg permanently disfigured. However, each time I find my body and soul filled with trepidation.
Let the adventure begin,
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