Monday, December 21, 2009


This blogging thing must be something, because here I am again today to type what would be consider by most to be a disorganized mess. After perusing many a blog in my short blogging life I have come to see a trend…everyone seems to have a purpose to their writing. There are those who share their passions for cooking, family, religion, parenting, or photography. Some that share joys of sports, films, cars, and such. And others still that provide well needed advice at least for me, on dating, love, work, and the list goes on. I, on the other hand, choose to make my blog about everything that makes my life go around. From my faith, running, baking, volunteering, being a mentor to extraordinary Jr. High students, attempting to date in a community which being single at 30 is often times thought of as odd, to photography. I am sure a few outlandish “Jennifer” stories will be added from time to time to provide humor due to my lack of intellect and clumsiness. However, over all I hope to provide people with a smile, a chuckle, and a satisfied sweet tooth with the recipes added.

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