Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It was a Good Friday.

Last weekend was a wild mess. I was planning on summing it up in one post, however as I began thinking about all the adventures I decided each days deserves it own recognition independently.

Friday was nothing short of a great day. Most importantly it was Good Friday, which resulted in reflection and having the day off of work. Well I should say a day off from my job, not really work I am in the process of moving after all. I spent the day doing just that……….moving, with a few breaks tossed into the day here or there. One of those breaks was when I took my friend Brad to a doctor’s appointment. Due to pain medicine and the shot they administer in his back he is required to have an escort, oh wait that doesn't sound right, maybe I should be more clear, a driver…so I filled that role this past Friday. I was able to get caught up on all the celebrity gossip while sitting in the waiting room thumbing through magazines.

Brad had to sit for a few mins after his shot before he was released to leave the office. I kind of felt like we were sitting in the refreshment area following the process of giving blood, although we didn’t have any Grandma’s cookies to eat, but we did have to wait until his doctor gave us the okay to leave. Following our outing to the spine clinic, I took Brad by for a tour of my future stomping grounds and as any great friend would do I asked him if he wanted to help me pack up some more things at my apartment and make another trip to the house. Did I mention he just had a shot in his back do to an injury sustained from a car accident, oh I did mention that…..I guess that makes me look like a pretty bad friend for trying to recruit an injured friend to help me move, but he said sure. However, once we got back to my apartment he sat down and ended up taking a shot nap as I packed up the rest of my kitchen, hauled all the boxes down to my car, and broke a nail. I don’t blame him though; he had no business helping me move heavy boxes with a poorly functioning back.

Being it was Easter weekend I wanted to get to Fairview on Friday night, but due to rain in the morning, a friend’s doctor’s appointment in the afternoon, and moving, I was not able to get out of town at a decent hour so I decided to simply head out Saturday morning (this is critical information needed to be remembered as your read tomorrows post). Brad has been waiting to take me to dinner to celebrate my new job, so I thought what better night than last Friday. We had an amazingly scrumptious dinner at Ted’s then went to see Bounty Hunter. I was a bit disappointed in the movie I am not sure if the disappointed was because I thought it was going to be better, or because I was so tired and could not really enjoy it, whatever the case I was disappointed.

It was an extraordinary Good Friday and a great start to Easter weekend. Stay tuned for more Easter weekend adventures.

Love ya,

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